Today, on December 23, 2023, the Christmas festival program was inaugurated at MDS Senior Secondary School, Udaipur. School Director Dr. Shailendra Somani wished everyone a very Happy Christmas Day. While sharing this special day he said that many programs are organized in our school. We all get the opportunity to participate in these programs together so that we all can enjoy good and positive moments with each other.
The program was conducted by school teacher Mrs. Bharti Songara.
To the melodious sounds of Merry Christmas…Jingle Bells…Jingle Bells…and carols, the students gave a wonderful glimpse into the life of Jesus in an engaging performance of the play, featuring Mary, Joseph, angels, fairies, shepherds, the King, and the Little… The form of Jesus was assumed. Students of classes 6 and 7 gave a mesmerizing presentation of melodious songs.
The students of pre-primary class enthralled everyone by presenting attractive dances.
Every corner of the school was twinkling with Christmas decorations like twinkling lights at the school entrance, special Christmas welcome board and handicraft art works made by the students.
Students of pre-primary and primary classes presented the message of peace by dressing up as Mary, Jesus Christ, Santa Claus etc.
The school’s sports coach, Mrs. Hemlata Baghela, dressed as Santa and entered the school premises riding a bicycle. Seeing Santa Claus, the children welcomed him with immense joy and applause. Santa Claus also distributed toffees and attractive gifts to the students and created a stir in the school premises by dancing.
All the students and teachers thoroughly enjoyed the immense happiness given by Santa Claus. School Trustee Mrs. Pushpa Somani, while addressing the students, said that Jesus Christ was a great person, who inspired the entire world to live with humanity and mutual love and brotherhood. He told that Santa Claus brings happiness and gifts in life. He saves the happiness and shine of our faces and eyes. Vice Principal of the school, Jaya Verma, while thanking the school family for making the program a success, said that You all have filled this time with happiness and friendship. Wishing you all another wonderful year and blessings as you prepare for an inspiring new beginning.
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